CAR: |
1992 Mazda Miata, White 96,000 miles. This is my second Miata, I traded in an indentical 1990 with 98,000 on it for this one. I have been very happy with both my Miatas. New Struts & brakes. I fixed the rear zipper thanks to a tip from Miata net. One squeze with a pair of pliers is much cheeper than a new top!. |
STEREO: | 1990 vintage Alpine, with 6 CD changer in the trunk. Non-Stock door speakers, stock headrest speakers. This is mostly from the first Miata, the door speakers are new. |
Toshiba 500 CDT P120, 32Meg 1.3G internal HD + 1.3 Select bay HD This machine runs LINUX! and occasionally Windows 95 (for Rosanne).
Epson PhotoPC This is the same camera we used last year. For our purposes this camera is great - no fuss, cheap (relative) and just flexable enough. I as a standard 37mm thread in front of the fixed focus lens. I've used it with wide angle and closeup lenses. The purchase of an extra 4meg of flash memory means that we can easily shoot a days photos With only one download. |
GPS: |
Garmin 12Xl This is the newest "toy" - I don't know exactally what it is about this device but it is just such a gee-wizz kind of thing, I can't get over. I don't usually get very excited about computer/electroninc gadgets. If I can only finish the Perl/Tk program I'm working on to plot ground tracks on maps...... |