Macdonald Museum

Point of Interest, June 22

Macdonald Museum
21 School St. Po Box 925
Phone: 902-825-6116

Housed in Canada's first Consolidated School (1879 -1903), this museum features a large collection of clocks and watches. Other exhibits included: a schoolroom and general store and a local art show. Rosanne liked the art show, Dave perfered the clocks. The colorful and vibrant-artist probably has SAD judging from the lack of grey and brown in his outdoor subject matter.

Found an out of the way exhibit - a rib bone and half a dozen photographs of a decaying right whale, which was found washed ashore nearby, in 1995. Perhaps too controversial for this small town, we should have asked about it.

Had a good chat with the ladies who work on the live quilting exhibit. Several had fond memories of NH vacations.

Notes - Maps
Photos - Weather
Details - Intro


Time Is What We've Got

Time Is What We've Got

Rolling Ball Clock

Rolling Ball Clock

Working Exhibit

Working Exhibit

Outta School

Outta School