The out-of-door facilities appear to be permanently occupied at Whale's Tail.
Our gracious hostess. we woke up to music from the number one man (Elvis). Over a hearty breakfast omelet and toast, Myrna told us all about her parents as lighthouse keepers, how she met Art and life in Canso.
"Stand still long enough and I would probably paint you." - Art Livingston Started painting six years ago and has hardly stopped since. Art repaints the garage twice a year. It's undiscovered art for now.
Rosanne poses with the artist and one of his whale ribs.
The museum contains a wide and thorough collection of historic artifacts of Canso. The young staff was very knowledgeable about Canso, but too shy to comment on life after hours.
This abandoned building was the first telegraph station on mainland North American for the transatlantic cable. The message of the sinking of the Titanic was relayed from here to Rye New Hampshire and on to New York.
Rosanne knows what these berries are but can't remember.
A most peaceful place at the end of a dead end road, off of the marine drive.
Catch of the day restaurant in Larry's River. We had joked about this restaurant on the way by the yesterday, but Jim recommended it for lunch. We had panfried fish and chips - YUMMM!
The sea washes over this at high tide...Dave's just another percher.
More of what we love.
Guess who's
We return from our walk, take a 1 hour nap and awake to this view from our Seawind room. Not so gloomy!
This is why we returned.
Many a guest has rested thier eyes here.
Charlos Cove at sunset. AAHHH