Self- proclaimed biggest fans of Nova Scotia, and they live here. Marie made sure we had our complementary Canadian and NS province pins. She did did the same for a whole busload of Liscombe Lodge visitors from Connecticut!
Our drive to Canso, weather not too bad with comfortable temperatures.
Passing through farm country. Sheep paid no notice of the view.
Village view of Port Bickerton.
1 1/2 lane road to the Port Bickerton lighthouse.
This visitors center had reference material for all the lighthouses in NS. We interrupted the staff picking blueberries, a very slow day tourist-wise. We promised to keep blueberry location a secret!
From visitor center tower, 360 view.
On our own tonight. Our innkeeper suggested this location. Very fine. A bottle of wine and more smoked salmon.
Dave wanted to take this home and make a coffee table out of it.
After all the time in the car together who wants to share photo-space?
and in garments green. (Old mossy tree.)
A recently improved public park, wide paths and boardwalks. Community involvement have made this place accessible to all, while preserving its natural beauty. At dusk we saw many residents getting their evening exercise.
Placemat perfect. This photo stop sure made a stir in Little Dover.
Even the dog had to check us out.
Canada's newest National Park. It's a grassy island (with a lot of history).
Let's see where this goes. We found ourselves in the center of a summer camp, doors open, clothes everywhere, not a child in sight....
This photo begged to be taken. 20 years later, the King lives.
When we read about the Elvis room in the Doers & Dreamers Guide, we decided this was the place to stay in Canso.