Three cups of coffee, fresh fruit and toast and we are leaving again.
First laundromat we have, the timing is perfect. A gray day and all of our stuff is starting to smell.
This was also a good time to catch up on documenting the trip.
Owners of Moran Dan, publishers of "The Cape Breton Showcase", a WWW directory of lodging and attractions we found particularly useful. They were kind enough to let us plug in - Thanks !
The is the restored Elsie, the 54' yacht that Alexander Graham Bell gave to his daughter as a wedding gift. It is available for sailing and overnight stays. We will have reservations for Sunday !
The Alexander Graham Bell National Historic Site. Bell spent much of his life in Baddeck after the invention of the phone. This museum houses a large collection of the work done at Beinn Bhreagh estate, visible acrossed the water from the museum.
The star attraction is a reconstructed HD-4 hydro-foil. This craft was the fastest vehicle (land sea or air - 70+ MPH) in 1919. It fills a hall of it's own, and is beautifully constructed. It looks like a zepplin with stubby wings sprouting ladders below.
This is the second lodging we successfully contacted and reserved through the Web. It was sunny over Big Harbour and Lal's home-style B&B was as good as we expected and her garden, a blooming labor of love.